Eco Now



My small habits change the world

Please join [Eco Now] that practices Eco-life.

  • The earth day in 2009, [Eco Now]
    started out as NGO. Now, 68,000 members join us.
    Under the vision of ‘inculcating values of
    environment in Korea’, we have been educating
    Eco-leaders who lead sustainable development
    and making our daily habits into Eco-life culture.

  • As a official partner of UNEP and special
    consultative status of the Economic and
    Social Council(ECOSOC), Econow is
    running environmental education program including
    UN Youth Environmental Conference.
    As of January 2023, 306,000 people have participated
    in our environmental education programs and
    30,000 people are joining our programs annually.

  • Environmental Health Institute visit
    senior citizens of 2,000 apartments annually.
    Moreover, we also have visited daycare center
    and kindergarten to take care of vulnerable groups.
    We protect the earth and health of a lot of
    people by suggesting policy regarding fine dust
    and chemicals.

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